Bare in mind that the money prez makes is then divided between Devs, Managers and server hosting.
Make a support ticket with the Buycraft ID. You should have received it by Email.
Better get building!!!
On what GTM will the money be delivered?
If it's a good sale, Will buy something :D
Houses have been glitched for a while, but they will be fixed REALLY soon.
Happened to me, one of my samuris vanished.
This seems like it's really bad, Can you please contact me on discord? (not peraldon)
What do you call a laughing motorcycle? A Yamahahaha.
Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
What type of bee makes milk? a boo-bee. Were you expecting to hear a joke about ghosts? That's the spirit.
Really nice, Happy to have helped :D
Apply for helpop in the section speccifically made for it.
Just woke up and this hurts my brain...
I did not pay him to say this. And the fact you want to be a cookie is... Intersting...
Not the right time for jokes...
today, RoyalSkid decided to quit after being part of this amazing server for years. Royal, I knew we haven't always been the best of friends and I...
First of all: Use proper grammar. Secondly: Show us proof that he isn't helping. Be more constructive. Third: I dissagree with you, zCai is an...
Let me smash. works 100% of the time.