Ok, Now all I have to do is figure out how to make a Japanese castle...
I am interested in such an item. Would I be able to get it or a copy of it?
Honestly this thread as gotten way out of hand.
Flo is making a competition for a Japanese castle, Can I enter both comp with one build???
You said it was your THIRD offence
You hacked. 3 times. It's a perm ban. You don't deserve to come back on this server. You should have never hacked/Stopped hacking at the first...
Now he is :0!!!
GL to everyone who entered so far!!!
Congratulations!!! <3
: Z Ign: Walter_wh1te
Next time, Make a support ticket.
@Flofin Why not make a crate oppening vid?
Hello. You are appealing in the wrong section. Pls appeal at https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open and select the "Appeal" Category. Make...
Houses and gangs have been deleted, everything will be fixed an your items will be restored. :D
What is happening right now is that EVERYONE's Houses and Gangs got deleted.
A supressor actually makes quite a lot of noise. I'll link a video to demonstrate. [MEDIA]
Making it 75%+ would mean a loss of money. I think 45-55% would be reasonable.
GG to all the winners! I wanted to win this month but managed to fail on the first day xD