If a faction had a hacking member, will they still get reward? @Brownwood Next time be careful who you invite.
I Think people would buy if You'd pay money instead of a bunch of items.
The tiltle is need to solve a key. The clue is needed to solve a key.
Who ever can decypher this thing in 2 days gets 25$ on store. I'll tell you if the result is correct. One of the clue is the answer. One guess...
Hope your tokens get refunded.
Got no rewards
And here you go, disliking my post. Listen up you fat hacking scum, Get out of this server and take out the negative ratings.
It was a trick. It's allowed for staff to trick you into giving proof for a ban.
It's ban evasion. You are banned on an account, you can't play on alts.
@Andri Please stop spamming so many threads.
I think this is art.
Good Luck!!!
: O Thank you guys ;D
When will I recieve thy reward?
Oh wow I won :o
Hello. Pls appeal here: https://grandtheftmc.net/support . Create a ticket and select "appeal" Make sure to put in the name of the staff member...
An amazing website!!! I'm 3 months late.
Hello lukas! FIrst off all, It's called an HelpOP, and you have to apply here: https://grandtheftmc.net/forums/helpop-applications.35/ Go in the...
There are really important fixes to make right now, Teddeh really as other things to do. VillagerJob should be fixed soon, But right now, Teddeh...
GG to both of you guys!!! :D