Hello, Could you give me your son's IGN (In game name) so I could get a superior to look into this issue.
Why are you a girl on forums?
Honestly I have no idea what to answer.
I was gonna say the same thing about discord :o
You guys still had an unfair advantage, and having a hacker who probs x-rayed bases eliminates your competition.
GL everyone!
Well, Sebastian was seen by me abusing glitches to drop drugs on spawn and arrest people. He was also perm banned for using vape clients. So,...
Great job to the develpers!
You can't take items from a house if you aren't added. Hackers can .vclip and steal bongs tho.
THank you guys!!! :D
I'm preaparing it with pistan rn, It's gonna be hard.
Me and pistan are doing something else like that. Way harder with an ENORMOUS reward and several weeks to do it.
He smart.
Pistan got it :D
As pistan almost got it, say everything you got.
Pistanmarc got one but doesn't know it :o
You're on the wrong track.
Every key as been through 5 different cyphers.
Hmm... I might have to pay someone :o
The keys. Title is necessary to solve a key