Keep the raping to a maximum Mix.
Awesome I can't wait for the new map.
Seems awesome but I don't know about building your own office if this idea did get implemented I think their should be buildings which you can buy...
If that doesn't work try playing with a different version that happened to me and the thing I did was play on a different version.
I think the business idea has a lot of potential but as Mix said what would you invest like money, tokens, crowbars, permits or just all of them.
If you are asking on how to be a cop on GTM the way you do that is you get Gangster rank and go to the police station at the GTM spawn. Then right...
Im super excited to see the stuff the amazing devs came up with.
I like the idea of a stock market a lot but unlimited properties could affect the want for ranks because ranks increase the amount of properties...
Mix can I get premium access into your sex dungeon.
Have Fun with it also now you can be reckless with katanas that is the most fun part.
Good tutorial and this will be very helpful information.
As you said I would like the katana to be bigger because you can get confused which when you are selling items you could accidentally sell it(Rip...
Lil8 Run Matt has a fantasy of you I have been inside of his sex dungeon it is torturous RUN. Also congrats on your children _Hashtec_ and enjoy...
I did say I would make more barrels :>
_Hashtec_ its not just others efforts who made this server great it is also your efforts so I want to thank the staff team, all the fair players,...
Awesome deal Enjoy!
Make a purchase ticket at If you further questions just msg me.
Good idea but it would make killing people harder you are chasing after this guy suddenly he takes cover and the buys a minion and kills you...
Good Deal and Enjoy it.