why would you want to delete it over things like what happened. Just show us your true building talent and correct your mistakes simple. Plus it...
Ill support it 100%
MixLogic the Jesus we never expected.
Agreed lets try to make GTM even better then it was in 2017.
GG 100 Hackers banned is a lot. Keep on going till no hackers left.
Shshhshhshshs dont expose me.
@NoHaxJustSpark I think it is a wolf.
WHAT ABOUT ME THE CO-LEADER. Qhong and _Hastec_ lets all take one barrel photo.
On GTM4 I am giving 3 katanas and 200k for 500 crowbars. IGN: Akarush Doctorwiwolo say agree if you agree to this deal.
With that gift card the cost of the rank deal going by 200k/per dollar would be about 566k. If you go by the 100k/per dollar with the gift card it...
Awesome Deal and Cord sometimes does deals on other servers. Also I just have to comment on your marketing skills they are the best marketing I...
As iTraitor said you make GTM a positive place and a better experience for people. Thank you for making these giveaways and for your positivity...
Agreed for example how would the businesses work like what would you invest in the business for a thing they make but what would they make? Also...
Good deal and how did you get Royal's head. Enjoy!
Good Deal Enjoy!
Be patient he will get to you.
Ok first be patient and they probably banned you from discord because you kept on spamming them to look at your support tickets. Another reason...
Lucky and the twitter rewards should come soon its probs that they are busy at the moment.
So True Matt will send u nudes every 10 minutes or less. Also if u ask Matt to suck you dry he will make you so dry he will dehydrate you.