Also for Mac users you can use QuickTimePlayer which you can select and open with control + command + n
GG He will definitely do amazing!
I sometimes question your sanity but can I be in it next time
Great idea! I personally think that this should be like a Sponsor+ Donor Item or GodFather only to make a more of a need for Donor Ranks and...
The fact that is the darkside is the actually why this should be for everyone to see.
I love how I'm just in the back xD
Goodbye zCai :( Ill miss you
Amazing Idea Matt and I think this would be helpful but maybe it will warn a little bit later because a big part sometimes in jping is to make...
I love to read books, sometimes talk to my "friends" and hangout with my brother (AaruAmmi)
kk awesome
Hey K9 its been a while how are you doing?
This document is the most educational shit I have ever seen.
You also can't touch anything because 2 different types of atoms repel each other so technically you aren't touching anything.
I think the best way to incorporate this would be making a little bit of customization to guns.
Ye this deal needs a little bit more jazz to it like give 2 mill but then put 6 katanas 6 jps and 3 wings that should be able to find you a deal.
Trees would die if they were orange
Their is never enough clubs Mix
TY <3