i give him 11mill he will buy me a 10$ giftcard to my Email
me (Hiprauz) Gives OpDeWeg 11.5million $ on gtm MINESANTOS and he gives me An 10$ giftcard, of gtm. i agree!
i buy him 15 permits (40$) and he will give me 63.5million on MINESANTOS I AGREE (Hiprauz)
Deall Completed! all went good
i agree (Hiprauz)
i buy him vip to premium and he gives me 24million
i give him 45$ Giftcard for 67.5mill on gtm 1 I agree my ign is Hiprauz!
i agree to my email though
yeayea sure but my email
i give him 50$ gc and 2x 10$ giftcards and 1x 5$ on gtm 1 for 112.5 million on gtm 1 I agree (when i use htem i get banned i agree to that...
FendiDRIIIP gives me 7.5m on gtm 1 and 30milllion on gtm 4 for Elite upgrade for KingSystemVII i agree (x_S0EzlmFao_x)
i buy him perm vip and he gives me 15million trade is on gtm 1 i agree (x_S0EzlmFao_x)
i give him 75MILLION Dieheldernaars head And 10 Wingsuits for a 50$ Giftcard and a 10$ giftcard to my email i AGREE (x_S0EzlmFao_x) BTW TRADE IS...
i give crispy a 2$ giftcard then he will add 3$ of his self and buy me the steamy tagg on gtm SANKTBURG AKA GTM 4 and i give him for this an...
i give GGsasukeGG 8m + 10 jp kat wings on gtm 4 and he gives me a 10$ Giftcard code of gtm when he uses this he will be banned i agree (x_S0EzlmFao_x)
Deall didnt happend
irl deall with flametwist ig ive him 6.5m 2 jps and bo4okplayer head _fpslandon_ head for heart tagg on gtm SANKTBURG AKA GTM 4
i ABCUWANTMYD gives ar21 6.5m on gtm 1 and he buys me the heart tagg on gtm 4 sanktburg i agree