i agree (TeringJoch)
deal i agree
i give him my house at Oasis on minesantos and 13 Stacks easter Choclates For 50$ gIFTcard to my email i agree
Didnt happend Reason : because he was atthe max money u can spend per week on gtm
Gtm 1
I Give him a giftcard with 27.50$ on it he will use 25$ on it and give me 50million $ on gtm 1 in return i agree when he finished to buy the rank...
i buy his freind LoobyShaman 500 Crwobars he gives me 43mill ia agree
You’re just to Nice u giveaway like everything jeez man!
Me (TeringJoch) GIves LegitBeef1 50million ingame $ on gtm 1 And in return he gives me an 50$ giftcard to my email! I AGREE
i agree (NobodyNamedAllah)
i give him 10mill 2 dubs Mnigiuns and 7 Jp kats and he givce me 10$ giftcard i agree (Hiprauz)
i agree (Hiprauz)
i agree Jezus69_
nvm deall didnt happend they took to long
i (Jezus69_) Gives Carmie12345 13million 10 titanium helmet 10 titianium vests and 5 miniguns 5 heavy snipers In return He Gives me a 10$ giftcard...
i buy him 100 crowbars he give me 15mill i agree ign Jezus69_
Deall fucked up to much struggles were not doing it anymore
i give him 12.5m and he givesme a 10$ giftcard i agree IGN HIPRAUZ
I give ItachiUchhiha 3x 10$ giftcard and once a 5$ giftcard so 35$ IN TOTAL For 52.5M on Gtm 1 Minesantos I agree IGN (Hiprauz)