i give him 100m + 10 wings in return a 50$ giftcard to my email
i agree
he buys my friend 4Mb_ 2.5k crowbars in return my hw 3 house + 180m on gmt1
i give him 130m he buys me a 50$ giftcard i agree
we can't do it his fucking card got blocked LMFAO
i ToToPlays Gives Cusbane 430mil and a stack 800 chips for 2x 100$ giftcard to my email I AGREE
i buy him SPONSOR >>> supreme For 200m Ingame i agree costs 80$
i give Cusbane 100mill for a 50$ giftcard to my email i agree!!
he buys me 25$ and 10$ gc for 72m i agree ign totoplays
i ToToPlays gives him a 25$ giftcard and a 10$ one for 60millions on GTM7 i agreee
i agree ;D
deal went smooth thanks.
i ToToPlays Gives iExpoJr 100m For a 50$ Giftcard which he will /mail sent ToToPlays (Code) 50$ And he wont use this i agree :D
i ToToPlays gives him 60million on gtm1 for a 30$ giftcard in return over discord which he wont use! i agree
i agree (ToToPlays)
Deall went smooth