Dang that's deep.
Will do in my upcoming montage. Thanks for the feedback.
When you say this, you mean on creative right? If so, maybe they could make it so that if you have a certain rank, you can use a certain amount of...
[MEDIA] Made a montage on gtm, there's also a full access account giveaway in that video if you want to enter. ;)
Welcome to the forums!
It's a gold mini... Worth so much. I doubt he would use it anyway, just sell it
As in f1?
Shaders make everything better, except pvp :(
Honestly 1.8 needs to be removed, even if the software you used allowed 1.8, I'm sure a lot of people would like it to be removed anyway.
Hello! So today I decided to try to take some very nice looking screenshots of GTM around the map. Feel free to use any of the screenshots (maybe...
Everyone keeps saying that 1.8 is going to be removed because it has an advantage, which is right. However, they keep saying that the advantage is...
It's like this, pretty much the only way to know you're using labymod, is if you take a screenshot with it, video with it, or get ssed with it....
I am pretty sure that the reason they don't allow it, is health indicators (or at least it's one of the reasons). This gives an advantage to the...