grandacity said its happened to others
No I didn't get it back!!!! He said "I do not believe sir was rollback that day" but I said before that I didn't get my money back meaning it...
No, look at this
Oh mygodthisis getting annoyin, can I please have mobster back??
Maybe you could keep the 10k price but only have a chance of getting one in the cop kit, like between 30% and 50%
Yes plz, I've stocked a litter over a quarter of my chest with riot shields from pas times when I've played cops, and it's annoying, I wanna sell...
@Pieter_the_best do you happen to have a screenshot of me on a jetpacknwhen u killed me?
That you! Please check this thread It's important Make sure...
It's my second favorite block
Check ur gang recruitment plz
I can't find the log again, I've loooked through them all... it's not in any one @MixLogic ask pieter_the_best he saw me flying/w jet pack and...
also... can u please read this?...
whats better, Combat MG or gunsenberg sweeper?
I have proof that both of us said we would make the deal, but no proof we actually did, I found me ranking up in logs though @Grandacity plz give...
How did u get evidence?
Will I get my rank back?
I've been active, logging in very day