taken on the task of assisting him in recovering lost belongings related to House ID 175 in the Africa region. Some time ago, Kahabiruka owned...
I agree
50$ gc for70mill gum1 I manpop agree
me manpop is selling a 25$ gc for 1.5 each $ I manpop agree
Me manpop is giving 1 dub of Kats 1 dub wings 1 dub jus and 1 dub snipers for 25$ gc I manpop agree
I manpop will give 90mill + 50mill in jpkats (375k pr jpkat) for a 100$ gc code
Me manpop will buy a 10$ gc for 14mill the code I manpop Agree
Me maintop is buying a 10# gc code from lejennix for 14mill I manpop Agree
12 mill for a 10$ gc I manpop agree