Your previous forum account is probably gone because this is our new site. Create another appeal via the support tickets and we can help you get...
So many things done wrong with this post 1. Proof is required when making a player report. 2. Send us player reports via a support ticket, not a...
Not bad! Blue is my favorite :cool:
Thread locked, create a ban appeal
I won second place on GTM4 just the other day with only 20 tickets :p I only won like 300k, but still pretty lucky. Definitely not as lucky as you...
I have to agree, they do need a bit of a damage decrease, but not so much of one that they become useless
I don't know about glazed terracotta, it seems a bit flashy to me, but regular stained clay kicks ass in all situations
And it is considerably more difficult to aim when you're busy spamming the shit out of your mouse button. 1.9 pvp all the way
Interesting, is that your own texture pack?
The Gusenberg is basically the server's all-purpose machine gun. Decent range, good fire rate, accurate, good magazine size, no slowness penalty,...
If you had played as an unranked player back when Legacy was the default GTM, you'd know why we don't have donor weapons anymore. Besides...
^ Yeah, not how to get anyone to help ya pal
I think you can change it in your settings can't you?
We don't ban people for nothing, and trying to deter players from joining because you were banned will not help your case.
^ Wow grammar police, nobody cares We are all aware of the glitch and how annoying it is (believe me, we know better than anyone how annoying it...
wow epic fail, you've been banned for being a dumbass
Some of the textures apparently bugged out when the server came back up after they did some maintenance. The devs have been notified and are...
I know right, thanks google xD I haven't forgotten either - here ya go [MEDIA]
LOL I love the Spiderman hand as the Net launcher, very clever! I wish more people would do custom stuff like this... Who knows, maybe you will...
Scamming is only allowed in in-game deals. (Ex., 100k for a jetpack) Scamming in donor deals (Ex., 2 mil for VIP) is bannable. If you say you will...