Not punishable, just a dick move. I believe the plan is to eliminate this exploit whenever the devs have time to improve the trade system.
Technically it's not an actual glitch or bug, just people exploiting a flaw in the system for their own gain.
No I do not believe this is currently bannable. The devs are planning to have that exploit fixed with this new trade system though just as soon as...
You've seen how pissy everyone gets when we have even a relatively short rollback, haven't you? A full-on reset would be a nightmare for us, and...
In that one screenshot with your F3 in the background it says you are running some mods. What mods would those be exactly?
Did you try restarting your game?
That's what the mods are basically, unfortunately we can't all be online 24/7
Here is where you can find links to our vote sites in case they are not displayed on the vote page due to a glitch or any other reason. Feel free...
Please write a Ban Appeal with the proper information included at and staff will see to it as soon as...
What minecraft version are you on? Because any version earlier than 1.10 (or possibly 1.9) have issues with the texture pack and other features on...
Please write a ban appeal ticket with all the required information and the staff will see about getting you unbanned. Thank you
If you know of any players who would make good late-night/early morning staff then by all means feel free to let us know. Peraldon and the devs...
Correction: He thinks he's manipulative af, when he's really just an idiot Locking thread, there's no reason for this to be a public discussion...
You're banned CHE_Channel. Make a ban appeal with details on how this supposed "glitch" works and then we'll talk. Thread locked
Let me also remind you that even if it was a glitch, exploiting glitches and withholding information about them from staff can be bannable just as...
Seems like you're fulla crap CHE... First you say "admins fix this glitch plz" then I ask you for details and you don't want it fixed? The only...
^ Yep like the others said, please submit player reports via a support ticket and provide proof of them actually using hacks. Anyone can say in...
Can you elaborate on how you caused this to happen? Because this would be the first time I've heard of any fly glitch in spawn Can't fix it if we...
I saw that, looks real nice good job build team
This thread is a month old - if voting isn't working please make a new thread describing the problem and we'll see to it ASAP. Thread locked