Bro google is a scam i looked how much is in a inv and it was in bold "27" mb tho and ty
Is there a way to sell more then 1 inv (27) so is there a way i can sell 28+ (All guns are not stacked)
lel u still lost the money Skylix took from u
Lmao u gonna appeal?
np cheif.
They should make a community chest room its just a room filled with chests and u can like hide stuff lOl
You aren't getting it back lol
Ok bu ok buddy
what no why no1 legit puts stuff in there, unless its like burgers or @Darkrai he does tons of giveaways BUT all thos items get tooken out in...
me, nvm dont have 1.5 kd i have 1.4 yikers
@WrapItB4uTapIt I can delete that from my profile L kid
I would put at least 10million no one has all of these..... like cmon Speak polish, Good mic, Premium+, and dont be toxic... who tf even speaks...
trick or treat
Yes you are buying her wurst client 6.9 (the best one) BRUH! Ps ik there talking about cheatcode.
imagine hacking &4YIKERS!
Can someone expose my realm wUT?
it was probs Nassim thats why his forums acc is banned + left gtm disc AND someone sold nassim's permit houses so that would make alot of...
Adding on to mrtacoman's post, if u want cheaper there is a building at cc its called "Motel" its yellow/tan 2nd or third floor has a 500k house.
31m for 1k crowbars kittens, I agree do u?
Can I del the post with my email now? or I cant? btw the deal was good :D