Yes okay, but i think hackers dont deserve a 3. Chance
But this would also bring back hackers that dont care about money, i think you just have 2 chances 1. 7 day ban 2. Permanent, if they really wanna...
The server is under maintance atm (as far as i know) dont know if it still does
Lul @DieHeldernaar you to :D
@hell_revenge how cold? And @Kousei_Arima i want summer, but its just to warm xD
How do you mean “credits”
Wtf necropost? XD
As I Said, please dont necropost...
Please dont necropost
Make an application
Shouldnt we just lock this threath? Cause we allready answered the original question
Yeh xD
Why do we need a treath for this, cause there are very many themes that cant be all in one threath
Its a really good builder that is banned now sadly
The most people don’t understand german, so it would be good to speak English. Ich kann’s aber, die developers sind’s am fixen
I will ✌️
LOL you needed to tell I’m that t he kann I just recorded His own scam xD