Are you unbanned?
He answered me after 1 month
I had 30 days an needed to make like 14 apps before i got accepted (yes i got accepted but needed to quit) so yeh, try to get more playtime help...
For the people which don’t know what psc means: pay save card
If you mean on the forums, everyone is a hobo on the forums when they log in first time, its like ingame you can get higher rank by posting many...
Happy b-day maaan
Be patient and dont ask for an unban, you are perm banned for the 4. Time now, you dont deserve an other chance
Mixlogic Will say your application has been taken into consideration, then you Will get added to a discord group and he Will do an interview, when...
@_Hashtec_ just say that its true
Called* and no, even with the hit reg/lagg you cant have a reach distance of 15 blocks
@_Hashtec_ i ment you and me :D
@_Hashtec_ me :D
Oh boy the spammers are back D:
Who the f is newlon, well idc just gg to the winners
@ToToKoala i remember you as an asshole, oh wait, your still one
Haha im @Jesse his first liker :D
This to all the spammers, please dont spam the forums and kill yourself please Yours, Jani
Ikr? I typed freaking 50 messages because of the spammers (if you mean this thingy btw)