Why os there even an german server? Cause i mean there is no Chinese, dutch or afrikan server
Make a new gang, remember me when im Back to give uou 500k
I think that one mishel2 Made is cooler #bring back mishel’s piramide
Np :D
Explenaition here: he wants you to buy tokens, crowbars or vip and hes giving money ingame. For this deal 300k = 1 dollar
Be patient he has a live outside of Gtm (idk if you do with your 64d playtime in a year) so you need to wait and btw yiu want him to work for you...
Im not dieheldernaar but i know that a mad cant do iT and as far as i know managers could but dont do it
Jjrcock Will get nothing and you need to pay all permits for the house that i cost like trashcan = 5 permits, 1 chest = 1 permit and the house...
Thats exactly what i Said xD
Do you have WiFi? And if yes try cause i think your german
I transalated iT an this is what all the spammers are saying Casino site @ [bTw99.cOm>] @ Casino site ➚ Casino site 카 Casino site
Oh boy, spammers aebback
Plz dont spam the firums and the server isnt down, just use
Try to join on
Tip from Jani here (dont ask to look at the app cause the you Will get denied
If you mean forums acc: as far as i know you cant actually delete iT, but if you dont want it then just dont use it
If you cant login, try to use this ip