Try to get alot on GTM1 by trading with people like ToToPlays and ill think about a deal ;)
She wants like 1 mil+
ToToPlays paid me like 60 mil stuff and 20 mil for that :)
Try to get alot of money on GTM1, ill think about a deal then ;)
500k for it.
I know.
I like myself
I am :) Really fast, didnt expected it so fast xD
Did you really designed the rp? Good job if you did!
Pssst buy me 50 crowbars ;) I dont deserve it but ye, ye yeyeye...
Oh im blind, i tought he was a non ranked guy. Its still nice to know :)
Thats a big oof
What happened? @_Flaming_Phoenix Dont forget that you wont get youre items back if a non ranked guy scams you ;)
Ofcourse, take the time you need, just msg or gmsg me ingame.
Ill sell them for 100k each. They are worth around 150k but i dont need them and i want them away.
I got like 20 or more for sale on GTM1. Do you want to buy some?
@adsfghjkl12 "Ads" or "Aids"? No love <3
I'm THAT mod.. ;)