Its not a high priority at the moment. We have better things to do such as lag fixing and gun balancing.
*Immediately goes to the store for his alts*
Well Owendog, you completely misunderstand alot in my opinion. Lets begin, 1. Yes, players sometimes experience lag. Mainly because of the...
To be honest. I think renting ranks is cool, but not getting used alot. It would be cool to buy Supreme for a month to try it out. But.... I dont...
Proper English please? Sorry, but i cant inderstand your English. Could you please talk proper English? And ill be happy to help you.
You might add the warp and the GTM to it ;)
Sir, you can ask alot more for that money! Im sorry @Geo_Chri but you might want to give him some more money. You recieve a rank upgrade!
GTM is not a pay to win server in my opinion. Yes, donating the server does give alot of perks. But no, the server is not pay to win. There are...
Grand Theft Minecraft Tutorial Hello everyone, in the past few days i made a tutorial for new players. I made this tutorial so new players have...
Its not that easy to just change a server to another language. But we have some things coming up next week that will fix those problems ;)
I dont think this is smart since people could lose items if they dont watch carefully.
Thats what you read there.
Uhhh we are not lazy. We are busy. And if you are false banned, then please make a good short appeal and you will be unbanned. We are also...
I also tought that but i heard its not that simpel. I might be wrong but thats what i heard.
Its not that easy to just switch the rp. Making a whole new rp from scratch could take months or even longer.
I think it would be to difficult to be honest.