He resigned, he told me it was time to go. We miss you @Coltll :( Those good old times that you where talking in dev issues or qa team as it was...
Lets bring minecart pvp back :)
Nade launchers are getting nerfed. Not sure how much actually.
I was afk at that moment for about one minute, came back, and watched the hacker for a good 10/15 minutes, while he was flying trough spawn.
I think that MixLogic decided to reset you. And i also think that he already told that in your appeal.
The ban is 6 days now, i apparently tought that the ban called "banned" on your alt was a hacking offence. That's why it was permanent, enjoy...
The servers are ready to transfer. If you need help, then feel free to ask us and we’ll help you out with transfering ;)
I can give you a chance or lower the ban, and i can explain ;) You got more chance if you try it. I will give you a chance, i’ll promis you.
Merci beaucoup
Queridos jugadores Debido a la disminución en la cuenta de jugadores en 2018, hemos decidido cerrar GTM 2, 3, 5 y 6. GTM 1 y 4 se mantendrán en...
Kittens, feel free to make an appeal ;)
You can also be happy. He could also just abuse the bug and go to your house to steal some things. Be happy that someone found the bug and...
Mhmmmmm, :p Not sure tough :0 But i suck at winging xd
Come at me 1v1 jp katana + micro smg ill slap YO ass
LMAOO This is so funny. Suggestion: -Is the whole day on creative@DieHeldernaar
Did i just read what? @Cursed DAMN you ruined the fun :(
What did I just read?