Ye thats normal, gtm4 is always ded from about 7pm to the morning eastern standard. 4-15 players on weekends
Interesting, the more you know. TBH i wontered if it was part of the vanilla game but it looks SO similar to a client i decided not to look it up....
@JustNassim is a modification to display sound illegal?
Then undo yours you moron
Its a personal list so i can add who i want and leave out who i want, just because i dont know flofin and dont add him to my personal list doesn't...
Then leave a list, i only have problems with people who want to have problems with me. Theres only one person i can say i legitimately dont like...
So im making a list of OG players, i need help remembering most of em tho. im mostly looking for popular players from about last summer that...
Thats why i think there should be a way to enable and dissable being able to pick up fuel. Also rockets were to expensive when they were $250
Lower prices of ammo and fuel and make it possible to purchase more per click. Maby like 64 fuel: 1000 640 fuel: 10000 100 pistol: 100 100 smg:...
The reason we dont give rewards is because its an event for everybody to have fun and laugh, making a reward system rates people and it bring...
[MEDIA] If a petition reaches 100,000 signatures in 30 days, the whitehouse has to release a statement on it. Please sign, you dont have to live...
Is it good again? Only used it like twice and i got rekt both times by rifles.
Tag an admin or manager and tell them what you want it changed to.
@11kobeer if i ever see you online i'll show you how to do it in a wing. If you know how to drop net its the same concept.
Make an appeal, this is not the place to do it.
I loved the christmas 2017 event, but ive also heard that the easter egg one was very good. But christmas 2017 is BY FAR my favorite, i wish we...
I just want to say that fuel should be even 1K per stack. I feel like it should be cheap and not a thing to really worry about. When it comes to...
Sounds pretty good, i still think the prices are to high but there definately better. Gotta test the specials and nets tho :)
Theres litterally no differance
xMini's is pretty good, remember your crosshair must stay on the idiots hitbox the entire time your trying to lock on. Also it wont let you lock...