Its simple... just make them not effect JP's. Other then that they were fine.
Epicstun still greatly influences this server, more then any of us know.
Wasn't this supposed to be released like a year ago?!?!? Anyways, i hope this goes to both GTM servers and not a new one.
You might be right, but guess what... i dont care because we have a relatively good staffteam now. Why do you assume that me and mix are...
Thats to far, most of the staff members 100% deserve it and want the best for the server. Just because you hate mix doesn't mean you have to hate...
Once an item reaches the 5 mil mark it's kinda immeasurable because nobody REALLY knows if there are 1, 2... in existance.
Funny thing is, 9PM est is one of the only 3 or 4 times i can get on each week. Also Fred is the best!!!!!
TBH i didn't even know half of this stuff existed. Also these are gtm1 prices, i traded a candycane on gtm4 for 10 wings (about 1 mil)
Awesome! TBH i thot u were talking about some wannabe kid who thot he was good at MC xD. Also if it took 2 ppl 8 hrs to get 11 stacks of iron you...
Nice, what does the text say?
Oof, i told you to talk to me. Also y r u using that texture pack??? JP's are ugly AF.
8qq go through me, u know i got da codes :)
It is very high, but we cant just have a bunch of players running around with free supreme.
These are really cool and require simple but complex redstone (if you know what i mean) Also sidenote i beleave the origional creator was...
No, it means your halfway.
I go as whatever kind of sports equipment i have laying around on the 31st, last year i was a soccer player, 2 years ago i was a baseball...
It would be more beneficial to the server if it was cheaper cus then ppl would actually buy it.
Then a lot less people could afford it.
No, you would have kept crowbars as they are a global currency.