Its a bit tough to get used to, but it works out. P.S. When I meant gods I meant Chirag, TheMuscleEmpire etc.
I did it. [IMG]
*COUGH COUGH* I killed all these "god" jpers, and yet i'm not considered. This layout takes a while to get used to, but try it anyways. FOV:...
I won't even begin to ask how many people you pissed off by doing that.
It is indeed 2 zeros, Jeez guys, give sky some credit for being able to use a calculator.
I see you with your quoted post editing
But this is highly inconvenient, as someone could grab the fuel before you do. If you think this is uncommon, let me tell you, I have lost several...
What if you needed fuel?
RIP Legend, btw, I think around 50 people changed their skin to urs as a tribute.
I would believe it, but there's something too cheesy about Mistagojo.
Maybe i'm wrong, but go on GTM 2 at around 12:00 EST tomorrow and test it with JustDylanTM, he's pretty good at it.
Ehh, with a decent computer, you can increase your fps by up to +40 FPS, but you would have to make sure all your settings are at low or off.
Any staff know the % chances of finding a skin in a loot chest, and if possible, could anyone post a screenshot of them finding a skin in a loot...
Seems that the majority of people say that it isn't easy to lock, but it is quite easy for a winger. They just fly-by, and switch out their...
I think homing launchers are way too op, i've lost so much gear from them, especially while jping. Once a winger gets a lock, there is absolutely...
Necropost non?
Yeah, I picked up jetpacking a bit ago, but as soon as this came up, it got really boring. I voted bring it back the way it was, as jetpacks reign...
WAIT, we can't jitter anymore???
As a wise man once told me, if your eyes hurt, rip them out.
I don think you've seen me 1v1 :>