lolwut 200k is the amount you would pay, regardless of server. Anything above that is a scam. 300k isn't NEARLY worth it, but some rich mofos...
We would cause katanas and wingsuits to be worth like, 2k...
We bout to bankrupt GTM.
Kiss Up :P
Looks good! P.S. My birthday is on Star Wars day :D
TBH, I feel like sponsors/supremes have a better chance at getting HELPOP because they already have the supreme/sponsor benefits.
I have been on for 1 hour, and this popped up. PRAISE THE LORD
I have fast hands ;)
I just copy pasted it tho
How tf do you do that ► thing?
I guess you can keep saying this, but that's barely holding.
Also a good idea, but on a side note, don't be discouraged because we oppose your idea. Not everything is perfect, we are just a bit aggressive in...
LAZINESS is 105. Always.
Jesus Christ
REEEE Favorite Song: Up Artist: Nav REEEEE
I mean, as @Owendog77 said, it was never a good idea to "test" hacks, but in any case, good to know that you liked GTM!
I am not too sure what you mean by this. But if this means I can rub it in skylix's face that GTM IS DYING, then i'm down.