Forums ranks are different than in-game ones.
Which GTM did this deal take place on? Other than that, the post looks good! Enjoy :D
Good day Diz!
You can apply for Helper on the forums.
I don't know exactly, I am not an experienced GTM7 player. Ask in chat, they can probably help you!
ik ben goed, en met jou?
You are supposed to progress throughout the game mode. It isn't supposed to be easy to just instantly rank up to GODFATHER. I completely disagree...
The whole point of GTM is to PvP. Temporarily removing that ability would not be good.
Donor ranks don't have an advantage over others, in-game ranks do. You already have PvP Protection, you simply have to try and use what you can...
Awesome! Enjoy :cool:
The chat filter does not catch everything, it might need a small rework. However, these phrases will still get you in trouble from staff.
Looks good! Enjoy :D
Create an "Other Support" ticket and we can try to get you your permits back (depending on how you got them).
I think the 625k is the highest prices home, I do not believe there is anything higher than that (could be wrong).
/gtm5 doesn't exist anymore. If you had stuff there you would've had to transfer it when months of notice were given beforehand. We can't do...