He's buying me 2500 Crowbars for Flofin's Head // Akarush's Head // 100 BST // 54 Net Launchers // 45 Katanas // 2mil // 15 Candy Canes // 10...
He's buying me 2500 Crowbars (60$) for 35m // a Double Chest of Wingsuits // 30 Katanas... I AGREE
He's buying me 500 Crowbars for my 20 Permit house in game... I AGREE
I'm buying zHraq 250 Crowbars for (13.5$ off the store). He's giving me 12m on gtm1 in return. I AGREE.
He's buying me 1000 Crowbars and a 10$ Giftcard for 2 Golden Minis! I Agree..
I'm buying Owendog777 a 10$ gift card for 8m and 20 JPs on gtm4. I AGREE
He's giving me 2, 10$ Giftcard Codes and 2 of his houses in game for my 105 Permit House in Africa! I AGREE
He's buying me 250 Crowbars and 50 Crowbars for (20$) in return I'm giving him a Golden MiniGun! I AGREE
He's buying me 500 Crowbars (25$) for 6.25m. I AGREE
He's buying my Alt "WeakAF" a rank upgrade from Premium to Elite. (25$) I'm giving him 6m / 64 Katanas / 20 JPs // 1 Double Chest of MiniGuns......
He's buying my Alt "StrongAF' a rank upgrade from Elite to Sponsor for 40$ and I'm giving him a 100 Permit house in return. I AGREE
He is buying my alt " WeakAF " a Sneaky Cheat code. (8$) for 4m and 7 jpkats I AGREE
He's buying my alt Vip to Premium for 7m! My alts name is " WeakAF " I AGREE :D
He's buying my alt " StrongAF " Premium to Elite for 8m and 50 MiniGuns! I AGREE
He's buying my alt "SourAF" an upgrade from Premium to Elite for 18m! I AGREE TO THIS DEAL!
He's buying my alt "SourAF" Premium for 17.5m and me "Darkrai_" 1000 Crowbars for 28m and a 10$ giftcard for 7m Which is 52.5m all together I AGREE
He's buying me 2500 Crowbars for 80$ for 56m... I AGREE TO THIS DEAL
Fefin is buying my alt Sneaky Cheatcode for 6m My Alt's IGN is SourAF I agree to this deal...
HE's Buying me 500 Crowbars (25$) for 10m in game! I AGREE TO THIS DEAL!
He's buying me 500 Crowbars (25$) for 10m... I AGREE TO THIS DEAL