Be wary of how you put in the items in the trade slot. If you drag an item from your inventory and accidentally put it in the slot where the other... I do not know if there are any more house...
I would like the damage of the dildo to be revamped again back to its original state. The current version of the dildo damage is very very nerfed...
DELETED - Sensitive Information It constantly chases after my dick. Put a time limit on the homing...
Items for me can only be shiftclicked which are: Armor and Food Items that can't be shiftclicked: Guns Special Items Ex: Katana or Wingsuit Used my weeaboo knowledge of dodging bullets.
Giving out 12 katanas and $200k for a Premium rank on GTM4. How much is a Sponsor rank via GTM Economy? How much is a Elite rank via GTM Economy?...
Can't seem to join any of the GTM servers that are up. I can join the server, but can't join GTM1,2,3, and so on. Any suggestions? Can't even do...
I'd like the item to use /fix Addition: I'd like Spectacles be able to use /fix This guy was fishy for not accepting first since he was paying the...
Still bugged, can't enter it Reset him.
Let use /stats for offline players.
Paying 1 katana for a VIP rank on gtm4. Call this a ripoff all you want, but on gtm4 katana is worth 400k, and $500k on the store is $15. So...
The rpg from the shop does not let me reload without consistently changing back to my AR ammo. If you look up consistently on google and press the...
Can't enter it, I'm losing about $300 worth of items in it. Another one....