I Was Thinking of Something. Instead of just zooming in with guns, why dont staff make it so its a complete scope? Staff can use Pumpkins as these...
Ok, Some things ive noticed with Gtm. 1. Everyday i used to see tons of staff Welcoming players every 3 seconds, with the player count going off...
I was Scrolling through Ranks, and kits, When i suddenly realised, it says 'Unlock Neon Armour Upgrade!' 'Unlock Durable armour upgrade!' Is this...
Welcome, To The PuppyAirForce.! If You want to be a Marine, Pilot, or High Ranked Official, Apply Here! (its Better than you think) (Discord gang)...
This probably has nothing to do with ANY gtm things, But i got a 'late' christmas gift!!! - a Mechanical Omen Glowing Red Gaming Keyboard! - Omen...
What Were You Doing Before This happened? I was Jp/Katana as My old Friend on GTM sudden popped up, Then we started a conversation. He wanted to...
do You Think Star Wars Is Real? Think About it Before Clicking The Link. https://gyazo.com/52da60ef6ca946ccc9efce1162dd214f I Can Fly a X-Wing Bish
I was wondering, are gangs fixed? My friend made a gang but i couldnt join, or he wasnt in the Gang.
ITS NOT FAIR! The New christmas update with The Santa Presents that thow out candy canes, its So unfair! If your a New player, you find the santa...
(Duped Post)
What do you guys think of my new Channel Art? https://gyazo.com/c91f34cb4740cc278185f6125b5a7a0a
Thank you to everyone who entered, Here are the winners! [MEDIA]
Well, I'm officially screwed. [MEDIA] Rip All The collecting xd
This is a real pain in the Frikeeeeen Assss for many players. In the new Update log, it says stickies/bombs dmg reduced by 25%. Well, after that,...
I was planning on a Christmas Casino video, but the next day i log on, i have 0 tokens fam. I had 600, and would like them back.
Would you help a drunk sandwitch? https://gyazo.com/da5ac90b44431b862939b479cb472869
https://gyazo.com/6952c157065f6a7cafa48800c5d32c1f https://gyazo.com/4cc38df71f27ac13892c95cb91677ea3 You Just got owned by a Puppy.
I was wondering maybe the casino can be Christmas themed. For e.g., Snow/Flower pots around the slot machines Snow Etc. Christmas Themed!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! xD Hope you enjoy the giveaway! winner in 3 days!! [MEDIA]