Sehr geehrtes GrandTheftMinecart Team, Ich habe soeben eine 3 Star Crate geƶffnet und Kit Druggs (permanent) gezogen jedoch ist nichts passiert...
1$ reallife for 1mil. Ingame ?! Thats too much. I think you never gonna find a player who is doing this deal with you
Wow nice do you want to play a bit ingame ? :D My name: Hiiiiwasgehtab_
Wow wtf are you doing judo? Because i am doing judo i go 3rd place from germany
You will see my name at the december vote war!!! :D hope
@Runkelpokk are you sure ? Can a staff answer my question pls?
I saw that the top voters this month got 150 votes but i thought i only can vote 4 times in one day so that make no sence that the top voter just...
Yes i accept
I accept
Can anyone send me the discord ip pls :/