I connectiemonkeyl agree to Flowergames best of 5 (first to 3) Mrsnowfade put 400mil, i put 375 gold, 250 gold (id #771 and #770) houses do you agree?
I won. gg, shoe has payed
I connectiemonkeyL agree
ConnectiemonkeyL and ShoeShiYun agrees to do a 350 mil flowergames best of 5 If i ConnectieMonkeyL lose i need to sell a house to get the money,...
I pay lolli4000 15.6m for a 10$ gc do you agree?
I Connectiemonkeyl Pays LevinZockt2 15m for 10$ gc do you agree?
i ConnectieMonkeyL agreee
I "ConnectieMonkeyL" win
it was tied, now we do the same bo3 insted
Me ConnectieMonkeyL will wager Atlantic house + 50m VS Constentina with 3x moria house + midiana cave. Best of 10, we both record. If i win he...
i agree
I pay 16.5m to jzw after he buys a 10$gc to my mail do you agree?
Do you agree IcyCuyus
I pay Dark_secret 2mil if he holds a 75 gold house #7 for me, 7 days max. do you agree?
I agree.
I agree
Do you agree? best of three, creative. Flowergames
We are doing 10$ each, + i pay 1 million to him if he wins. we are doing the rps via MSG I totallynotedvoin agree.
I TotallyNotEdvoin will sell KleinHechty a 25$ gc for 40m