I (2Walker16) give 65mil on on gtm1 - he purchases $50 giftcard on my email.
I give $9 giftcard - He gives 2 dubs of wingsuits
I give $10 giftcard x4 - He gives 4 dubs of jetpacks, 10 jetpacks, 2 dubs of katanas, 20mil on gtm1 I agree
He gives 2 x $10 gc. I give 15.5mil per - 31mil in total.
I accept
I give $25 gc, he gives 40 mil on gtm4
I agree
GTM1, i give $25 gc,he (teelama) gives 40mil igmoney gtm1
I buy rare weapons
jjrocks why cant u give me my bongs back
JJrocks2001 pls answer to that message! I need help so i opened a support ticket but nobody answered to my support ticket and now u closed it but...
ItsDeo did u ban me on 9 of July? Because that's not possible because i was only everday after the date it says u banned me. I think it's a...
HOW can i change the rank of my profile? on my profile i'm hobo but ingame i'm sponsor
Hey JJrocks you answered my support ticket i wrote a few days ago because i bought something and didn't get my Spoiled Brat II achievment. You...