I (2Walker16) agree
I (2Walker16) give 30mil to Beobachten - he has 1 month to pay me 31.5mil back (10/10/2022 - 11/10/2022)
I, 2Walker16 agree to this giftcard deal.
Thoused paid the 57.25mil - 9.23.2022
Proof of payment:
I (2Walker16) agree to this date (in english its 9/10/22 to 11/10/22)
I agree
I (2Walker16) give 30mil on gtm1 - he (K3BAB_PvP) has 2 months to pay back 30mil + 20% (36mil)
He gives $50 giftcard - I give 70mil on gtm1 (1.4mil per $)
Date of payment - 8.27.2022
I agree - exact date will be added below.
-I give him $52.5mil on gtm1 -He gives back 52.5mil + 10% = 57.75mil -Deadline is one month from now (09.17.2022)
I give 1 dub miniguns, half dub jetpacks, half dub katanas/chanclas - he gives $10 giftcard.
I agree.
I give $50 giftcard - he gives 66.25mil on gtm1.
Deal changed: He gives $50 giftcard - I give 65mil on gtm1