Hey JJrocks is there any way i can still get helper? i know how to use discord now and i also know that ive made many mistakes in the past, but i...
hi plz unban?
1 mil.. cmon u can do better than that
Do you ever just get randomly perm banned?
Thats pog
[MEDIA] Sure you were "afking" While doing parkour and typing in chat
Yeah, Guess we arent talking about the time where you straight up ignored the hackers, Instead doing parkour.. When i constantly /reported....
Thailand, Miami, New York, Greece, and will be going to hollywood in a bit
Yeah you hosted the party
You ready to come out of the closet yet?
Everyone can buy them though. How is he only helping supremes?
Insert Corruption_ meme here
No lmao
Mix we can share his majestic baseball bat
0w0 is still better rwar
@TheMuscleEmpireCH Yeah you said you had to go, But doesnt make sense that you had time to run for over 6 minutes then. would be a lot faster if...
[MEDIA] Well here you can see Muscle running away into buildings with his team cause he's scared af.. What he has is an edited video of me dying...
Watch it loosers [MEDIA]