did not happened (tryed to scam)
LordMiner2002 will be giving my freind bigredrob sponsor (its a suprise) for 2 mil on gtm4 Do you accept?
im sorry about that owendog it was his problem i understand you miss him it is just that the roll back was in the way i felt bad for you deezer...
i ment jp and katanas lol I give him and he give me 100 permits and 50000 crowbars
75 jps and 75 katanas and 3 mil
this is at gtm4 btw
hes giving me 100 permits and 5000 crowbars do you accept
too much infomation
I got it thanks to Mishal2 #BESTADMIN EVER
1. What did you do just before this bug happened? There was two parts into this there was the houses issue when I was using my alt on this link...
omg im stupid that's 30 I have 21 permits total god sake
Oh sorry well the total is 20 permits I had 8 permits + a nother 3 more and then 10 from crowbars
This is on gtm4
ok so what happened i got my items from my freinds primim house and put it into my alt normal house the permit house is number 142 my main...
1. What did you do just before this bug happened? all I did was that I gave my stuff to my alt because I was thinking that I am going to get...
wow that got me so bad right there DAMMIT I felt for it
lock this plz