I believe tha ailora is trying to get free items
I Dont like the thought of the auctions but i love the idea of the hous tracker
T h i c c
Admins are red Mods r blue,they both just banned you bad poem-
Maybe a new car like a polce car or a firetruck that shoots water EDIT: idk
More like Full diamond armor and kwons and sams and minigun with 32 burgers
the chaning the money glitch is fixed but there is one where u shift click the items in and they put money in u cancel and u get both thangs
Tmorge5 gg bro
Are u on a bus rn
but make that 3 followers
bro stop spamming please
its called a llama thank you very much :>
your welcome m8 i gae u 20= likes <3
wait so mix if its a perm ban it wont say permanently
or ateast just give the minigun a percent chance to go thru a net or riot
from minis cause th net time is to long
and the beer u can still get killed
its called a blimp thank you very much :l XD jk
well atleast buff them a little bit cause u litteraly take the same damage as if u didnt have a riot shield