i thoguht that cord was getting u sponsor
completly incorrect katanas in gtm3 go from 300k-450k
Mishel2 is hot <:
Exactly. XD i mean they could do the 2 houses but that would be rlly hard
mergeing the servers would indeed be a good decision for gtm3-gtm4 and gtm 5-gtm6 the rest like gtm1 and 2 are good as is but merging would be...
Well then you might have to wait.
@Cord_VII hes gtm2 u should do this
they could just make a longer spawn protection tme for cops
but that desnt tell us who is on it just sends a msg to all staff
gtm3 in my opinion is the best for jping cause its only melee no people minignning you they arnt cheap there is no campers nor baiters and tons of...
gg @Mishel2 you deserved it
ill give u my supreme kit for 50 crowbars xD
well even if he is using a hacked client that has the ability to use hacks then he can get banned so yea @staff and yes ik its not working th...
I like to play tennis i actually play on a team at ennis lions :D also skiing im small irl but i can do black double diamonds on the mountains :D
the guy who took the screenshot
is he using hacks? @iTraitor @Mishel2 @adsfghjkl12 @adsfghjkl12 you here?