Hellos guys anyone Remember me?
GG my dood
ik :(
im perm banned :p
I'm done with minecraft
if i had a gun i would give i to u <:
if i had a gun id shoot ur ass
Is gtm3 going to get any map updates or new houses?????!?!
No that would be glitchy becaus fuel is technically used as bullets in that ase cause it goes by one each time u fire
This could cause a riot because many ppl like to play on other gtsm for a bit when they bored of there gtm and they will basically not be abl to...
is he on forums does he have past or anything is he friends of presidentx? what is he manager of?
Who got manager ????!!?!?! i didnt even know there was another admin did he suddenly jump to manager??
And the worst thing i lost was my prem house raided whch had 23 wings and 42 jps in it plus like 3 or 4 katanas with 3 specs :/
how did u get unbanned?
gtm is dieing i see 3 ppl everyday :((((
GG bro
whats the daddy tag
the idea needs to be more planned ut like u said bought with ingame money so that means i probs wont be fr other players to it will just be u...
hazefaze888 has tried to scam many times and we al know hes not saying it right so he doestn get banned or anything, I think someone should rlly...
ive alwasy wandered if the watch dog worked cause ive seen many ppl banned by mods but none by watchdog ive seen watchdog on other servers that...