To fix this just simply reboot your Minecraft again and it'll be fixed. P.S, I always run into this problem when I leave my Minecraft afk in the...
Don't necropost. This is literally about 3 months old.
You will get a refund and the player will be punished.
Do not spam on his profile. I also got falsed banned by him but I let him take his time for him to deal with my banning. @ToToKoala
Will be visiting my relatives for two days. I’ll be out until Monday.
I do all of that. Do not worry. It’s just a big douche move to team with your friend on an alternate that has hacks. 7d or permanent ban to the...
Should be up by tomorrow.
100 Support Tickets even though most of them are pretty trashhhh annnd done! And MixLogic responded to it? BEAUTIFUL :'{
See, I've seen some people teaming with hackers and it is super scummy to me as you are using a person that is on another alternate account to...
Because rules exist. Join this GTM discord and go to the #rank-request chat and send a screenshot of your rank. Be sure to type in your...
Bowling streak.
Ehhh, not sure. But come back to GTM baby :( GL on school though :)
I finally understand why Wingers whom is in the Cop Job try to use a Katana on me now.
Just spam /wild or /spawn.
I sorta want to keep the house decap bug due to the fact it is an easier way to be decapped much faster than being in the warzone trying to decap... Choose the correct Department. Good luck appealing :-) Also people can jitterclick Jani. Everyone...
I can’t maintain a streak :-D
You broke my Jetpack on the second kill of me (Cptn), I demand a refund still :mad:
It's CptnHoLeeFuk :D