Feel like I would've had more if I was active on forums :(
Just had to go and copy and paste your pack man, sad. brb copying pasting the grape pack so i can change the ui and crosshair
Well, your fault. Just deal with it. Next time put this in a Support-Ticket.
my daddy
Yes Owen, fuck that nigga lmao
Yeah, autodrug stacking sounds dope daddy mcfries
Remember how we were able to unstack and stack drugs about a week AGOOOO? It sadly got removed on Monday-ish and I want the temporary bug back...
I just want to stack drugs lol
Well tell me why before I kept getting false banned for Killaura
Yeah, I knew you had hacks. Somehow you escaped with it. This is what you deserve.
You just got scammed 9million lmao
Forums is dead, oOoOoOoF
Did you not read what @IWulf_ said?
What's the point of adding it then if it's just going to be removed? :rolleyes:
What happened to you? :(
When do you stop being a fuckboy
Let us disrespect staff! RIOT! REBEL! EAT DICK!
You don't.
This is getting off-topic, either stay on topic about the thread post, or lock it.
This does not need to be implicated into the server. If you want to see if your friend is on, PM him on Discord, Skype, Raidcall, Teamspeak, etc....