been so long since i've played, thanks for 2018 - cptnholeefuk
holy shit I can't believe I played this server like last year AHHHH
The games dead, like damn, just play other games if you have the right computer and money.
i got perm banned for spamming gmsg chat saying "fuck you admins" i want unban now!!! i am so freaking mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I'm fine now
wow i dont like u, so i have to dislike u hahahahaha
hi guys
Fuck you annoying faggots, @MixLogic ban me from forums please. I will brek th rols of sopelign like sht pls ban my grimer is ab d
i got oof'd lol, idek why i was complaining that day lma0 i was the one at fault there
stay banned, server is dick shit.
lol, ban me from forums too, I probably did nothing to harm you on forums. So I highly doubt you can ban me from here. Or you know, you got all...
Ok, mentioning your HelpOP application is literally going to lower your chances of becoming HelpOP. Seriously, you literally just broke your vow...
Right now I'd say the best Jpers are ToToPlays NoHaxJustSparky CptnHoLeeFuk (me) PhillyRoll Fearzz Blazin SiZm Foaminq Proxorr
Sounds fun, hosting the best Jpers event :o
It's ugly.
Unban Corruptiion so I can use his account LMAOO. Either way, this idea is terrible. Just simply pick up the loot quick,JP away, ctrl+q your...
Crue, I looked up syphilis, who did you bang?
No he does not agree, VIP is worth 2 to 2.5 million dollars. NOT 5 million.