i AngelOfPing will pay 50m from my alt sorry4ping to clickzog for a 25gc bought to my email
i agree
I agree -angel
I angelofping agree i will dm him the code on discord
me angelofping pays him 1.5m each dollar for a 50dollar gc- i agree berington gives me the 50dollar gc
25gc dollar for me sorry4ping for 42.5m i agree angelofping
I give 17m in game for a 10dollar cheatcode i agree
I sorry4Ping agree
I Sorry4ping give 3x 10dollar gc for 57m
I agree giftcards will be tested before paying
I angelOfPing agree i will pay when i'm online
I angelofping agree
deal went succesful
I angelofping agree gc code is being sent over dc
i agree codes are sent to my dc -angelofping
Me angelofping gives 13m for a 10dollar gc -i agree
I give 12.5M for a 10 dollar giftcard to my email i agree -angelofping
i agree -angelofping
deal went well