jokes on you I spawned that money in with my helper powers
Custom houses always look damn good though, you gotta admit. Also I bought your tilted house for about the same as my custom house, and my custom...
I'm gonna make a heckin Canada's Wonderland
Nice job wiki team!
I completely agree, huge thanks to the build team for working hard on this!
I believe a certain area in the map there are barriers. Your friend probably somehow got above these barriers. Just tell him to go to spawn and...
Cool Kid Gray
I mean honestly sure. I personally don't care as long as it takes out some of the money from the economy over time.
I think this should be added but with a twist. Both players put in their sides of the money like usual, but instead of receiving all the winnings...
This thread will not help at all if one of you get scammed. When both of you are online and wish to do this deal, you can either /msg me...
You cannot use a google play gift card to buy from the GTM store.
See you around! Best of luck to you as well!
I've resigned as of 10/01/2019. Might come back eventually, best of luck to everyone on the GTM network!
Congrats to all the winners!
Nice montage! Happy to not be in it ;)