Unfortunately, it just seems to be a problem on your end, very few other users seem to be experiencing this issue. Do you have this much of a...
Unfortunately it is no longer possible to recover items from the servers which were removed previously. The time period for transferring is over,...
another chance for what?
itraitor, bigmario, black, akarush, tmorge, thriob, boocius, xnap, henninglenz, tedeh, bestpubgplayer, thecollector50, mistagojo, grand,...
What did I just read.
Unfortunatley, our resource pack does not currently support 1.12 game play
Twas a cold summer night. MixLogic was out for beer with Colt, but by the time Mix was done with his first drink, Colt was on his 12th, and...
You can get the vice resource pack at http://www.mediafire.com/file/y7p2qx782osgew4/clVice+fResource+Pack.zip, and commands on vice are currently...
so, I have 25 permits on gtm5, and 17 on gtm1, does that mean that if I transfer my stuff on gtm5 to gtm1, I will loose my 17 permits?
Report it anyways, it can't hurt, just to make sure the other staff see it.
Wow dude, thanks so much for this, I have been looking for some new resource packs, this will make it so much easier.
You just want the physical server selector to say Recomended Language: GERMAN?
Also, what do you mean, do something about it?
It is not anyone's fault that no one wants to play gtm3, so I'm not sure what this forum post is meant to be, but umm cool, see ya.
Congrats @Micatchu, well deserved
Don't you dare post 1 more message
@BrightJr with da late nigh posts (At least for me)
Gl , hopefully their card will come through when they are off vacation.