I'm not sure I will look into it.
Wow that's so weird, I guess the dev's will look into it. Thanks for the report! I'm not sure but a ticket might even be a good idea so more...
Lol honestly that happened to me before, sad to hear I put 4.9m in loto and there was all together 5.2m. I didn't even come first second or third....
Alright, Pm me when u return so we can play together!
Post a support ticket here https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open. Staff Will Get to you ASAP.
Yall Need To Spam this dude with Congratz!! Gg On SR-MOD!!!!!
https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open Visit Here And Open A Ticket, Thanks.
Great Deal!!! Which server is this by the way?
Congratz On Admin My Nigga! You Diserve It Keep Up The Good Work!!!
No if it does not say banned for (7 days 5 hours etc. ) something like that, then ur nit perm banned. If it just says ( you were banned on...
lol, its all good just wait and be patient. See what the staff have to say about it. There must be a reason. I mean they are giving you free...
I think there is a limit to how many u can watch daily. Just wait for a staff to respond and be patient.
When players are spread out, they are less likely to be active due to less players being on a curtain server. For example, only 20 people play on...
That would be great, but all the items are the same color, perhaps its for a reason?
If it does not state a time, you are perm banned. Make an Appeal, Good Luck
Yep that's what I thought too big Mario, I wanted to test it on you yesterday but unfortunately I had to leave.
Oh i just found someone on GTM6 who tried to scam one of my friends, What he did was wait until u put the item in for example katana, and he puts...
Omg dude these builds are insane. Have u thought of applying for the GTM build team? They would be more than happy to have you. Once again insane...
If you can show/state proof of this scam then staff can look into it. Show proof and this will be dealt with as soon as possible. Try going into...
KingCordVII charges 7m exactly Im pretty sure for Premium--->Elite. Try to pm him on Discord if not done already. In GTM 2 that is.