Dope, make sure you follow the layout to prevent scam!
Great!! Vice Season 2 started this is gonna be Lit!!!
Did you use the proper I.P? Mc-GTM.Net
Follow the layout to prevent scam!
Ask Chirag, pack looks dope!
Honestly it dosnt matter what they choose to do, you as a player witnessing a player teaming with a hacker should get you frustrated, but as a...
Wow, im glad you are coming back! Looking forward to playing with you! P.S i love the smart comments and help you give on the server web Glad to...
wow interesting, but always remember this, even if u get banned for using "fastplace" you can always open a support ticket and show proof getting...
What kind of streak, im in i can maintain it :/
Yep as they both clearly stated, it gets obvious and when a staff member isn't sure, it's easy to ask for help from fellow staff members. Great...
It all comes down to solid proof, staff dont take action until they have solid proof of what they are dealing with. So unless they see clear...
Hmm thats weird, lets get some comments from the staff! Sit tight.
lol, i lost 4.7m in loto, when all together there was around 5m. I didnt even come 2nd or 3rd :/
Just put something random for the time being, Jed (peraldon) can look through it and help you out. State that you could not find the Transaction...
Good Luck with the deal, make sure to follow the trade layout to make sure you aren't scammed!
Justfluffy make all of this on one thread, dont make seperate threads for the same idea, you could have put this into the thread u already made,...
Congragulations On Mod Pal, Keep up the good work and watching over the GTM Community! Wouldnt be the same without you! :D
You can mute the bots if u are talking about the bots music, or if you are talking about a call you can mute the sound using a software for video...
Lol, its all good. The whole point of HelpOp's is to answer questions and be there for new players as well as players in need of help. HelpOps can...