I have no clue
He even forgot isaaplaysmc
I remember all these dudes lmao from legacy
H3ro used to be admin and then got dempten to sr mod... What about royalskid and isaacplaysmc and wohrobert You also forgot zcai and xhong
I use katana always in my inetory cause i only jp
You mean nerf the minigun
well i had to shut up on gtm1 for having my opnion or i would get a mute on me
well the nerfed the micro smg so they made minigun AND MICRO SMG WORSE THE 2 most used guns of jps they can what they want but they wanne get rid...
i like how we the only ones who discuss this
thank you
anyways its pretty silly that you listen to hobos that just joined the server and dont that much on how to play it and dont listen to people who...
well now you dont have a change to kill them then cause micro smgs are so bad you cant shoot them and hitting them with a katana or something else...
well i know why it is NOT the money worth you pay for the miniguns
but jpers need to land for that and your not gonne believe it but you will need to have a change to land cause they will spray you down before you...
are there wingsuits in real life? no there are not so the server is already not realistic and katanas that do more damage then guns and dildos...
give us acces to a better gun in jp or soemthing cause it is inpossible to run from wingsuiters since they upgraded advanced rifles or go back to...
they will kill you before you have a change to land now a entire group of wingsuiters will start in place of groups of jpers ad wingsuiters and...