I (GodlyCurry) agree, i will send the code to his discord
Hi, I lost my progression of spoiled brat achievement. It should be level 3 and around 330 dollars but now its currently level 2 and 130 dollars....
I didn't use the giftcard code. I bought it from StepPand so I think there is someone used it.
he paid me 13mil
I will give $10 gc to him and he will gives me 13mil in gtm1 say you agree in below.
He gives me $10 gc and I give him 12mil in gtm1. Say agree in below
i agree
I pay 12mil in gtm1 and he will pay me $10 giftcard or give me a code. If u agree, reply 'i agree' on below
me giving vivalla $10 giftcard for 14mil on gtm1. If u agree, reply i agree in below
I agree. I will receive 3 giftcard codes in my gmail. If the giftcards are unavailable in the future, i require a refund.
Yes, I agree but if the code is used, i need my 12mil money back.
I am paying 25mil for $20 giftcards on gtm1. If two of the $10 giftcard codes have used, I need a refund and my 25mil back. Pls send me the codes...
I agree if the code is used , I need a refund.
I need to recieve on my email. if the gc is used, i need a refund. say agree below if you agree
I need the gift card codes on dc or in game. if you agree type you are agree below.
i agree and i will send $10 x3 gcs codes on dc to totoplay
send me the codes on dc and if you use it and i need a refund relpy you agree ty
i agree i give him 45mil on gtm1 and he send the 3x10gcs code on discord or my mail
i agree but if you used the code i need refund ty