Well like on legacy Atum made his own Gtm texture pack with different armor, paintings, health bars etc. I was wondering if i could get the...
Hey all, I`m a little pissed off atm, cause i traded 2000 tokens for 5 permits i saved up like 4 months for these tokens. I hope you can check...
Alright fair enough just keep it in mind for later updates if you need ideas!
alright i hope this is enough and you get them back!
do you have a screenshot of you owning the house or a video?
hey guys, I thought it might be fun to have a /nick or /nickname command for people above Elite or Sponsor. Let me know what you guys think of...
https://prnt.sc/hb06pe This is the gun but i dont think gtm has one that looks like that.
more like a gusenberg :S Cause Gusenberg looks like a tommygun.
Hey guys, When i do /g info or /g player FortisPlatinum it says im not in a gang. When i do /g info PublicEnemy it says im the leader i cannot...
Hey guys, I was wondering if i could get the resource pack so i can change like the armor and or weapons. Kind Regards, FortisPlatinum
how many chests do you want?
i made two so you can choose plot info: -92;83
i have build one do you want the coordinates on the forums?
The Application : ____________________________________________________________ Ingame name: Have you ever played a forge mod before? Do you...
hope you enjoy it :) and you didnt over spend on it so well done!
tbh this house isnt worth more then 200k. not a great location and its small. Kind Regards, FortisPlatinum | Dylan
Ingame name: FortisPlatinum Have you ever played a forge mod before? I dont know to be honest i played on alot of servers. Do you agree to all...